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03 December 2021
"Scattered throughout Poland are synagogues in various architectural styles that once served a large and venerable Jewish community. Found in towns ranging from Zamosc and Orla to Krasnik and Lancut,
01 December 2021
Synagogues: The State of Preservation and Future Prospects- possible approaches and challenges in heritage protection. A conversation with author and journalist Ruth Ellen Gruber, architect, artist and designer Natalia Romik,
"Scattered throughout Poland are synagogues in various architectural styles that once served a large and
Synagogues: The State of Preservation and Future Prospects- possible approaches and challenges in heritage protection.
"Not traveling? Visit great Jewish sites across the country from home. Visitors of all ages
Synagogues: Historic Buildings โ€“ on their cultural and educational potential. A conversation with Helise Lieberman

Synagoga w Zamoล›ciu

Historia zamojskiej gminy ลผydowskiej rozpoczyna siฤ™ w 1588 roku. Zaล‚oลผyciel miasta, kanclerz i wielki hetman koronny, Jan Zamoyski zaprosiล‚ ลปydรณw do Zamoล›cia. Przywilej osiedleล„czy dotyczyล‚ jednak wyล‚ฤ…cznie Sefardyjczykรณw, a wiฤ™c spoล‚ecznoล›ci wywodzฤ…cej siฤ™ z Pรณล‚wyspu Iberyjskiego. Wysoki status majฤ…tkowy tej grupy oraz liczne kontakty handlowe z Bliskim Wschodem miaล‚y pomรณc w ekonomicznym rozwoju nowopowstaล‚ego miasta ...

Cemetery in ลaล„cut

Synagogue in ลaล„cut

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur et dapibus augue. Vivamus in porttitor leo, ut maximus nisl. Praesent justo purus, laoreet imperdiet accumsan ac, iaculis et diam. Donec nec lacus vel lorem vehicula iaculis. Cras faucibus ornare lectus, eu rutrum mi accumsan vehicula. Mauris nec dui suscipit, euismod purus in, luctus ligula. Proin tellus tortor, accumsan a lacus et, hendrerit aliquet eros. Quisque cursus orci id vulputate placerat....

Jews began to settle in Lancut in the 16th century. In 1707 the Council of Four Lands met there which shows that the kehilla grew in importance. After the wooden synagogue burnt down, the brick building was erected in 1761 owing to the funding by the town's owner Stanisล‚aw Lubomirski who was aware of the beneficial impact the presence of the Jews had on the town's development. The strength of the relationship and peaceful cohabitation manifested in hiring of a Jewish factor to keep the accounts of the estate, and the proximity of the synagogue to the market square and magnateโ€™s residence.

Synagoga w Kraล›niku

Miasto wzmiankowane juลผ w XIII w., prawa miejskie otrzymaล‚o w 1377 r. Rozwijaล‚o siฤ™ jako oล›rodek handlowy na szlaku ze ลšlฤ…ska na Ruล› Kijowskฤ…. Pierwsze informacje o ลผydowskich kupcach z Kraล›nika pochodzฤ… z 1530 r. Mieszkali oni tu pomimo obowiฤ…zujฤ…cego do 1584 r. przywileju de non tolerandis Judaeis, zabraniajฤ…cego ลปydom osiedlania siฤ™ w obrฤ™bie murรณw miejskich. Dynamiczny rozwรณj spoล‚ecznoล›ci nastฤ…piล‚ pod koniec XVI w. Od tego czasu ลปydzi zamieszkiwaฤ‡ zaczฤ™li w okolicach rynku.
W latach 90. XVI w. w mieล›cie ลผyล‚o 20 rodzin ลผydowskich. Na przeล‚omie XVI i XVII w. spoล‚ecznoล›ฤ‡ dysponowaล‚a wล‚asnฤ… synagogฤ… (drewnianฤ…, zaล‚oลผonฤ… najpรณลบniej w 1593 r. i zlokalizowanฤ… w innym miejscu niลผ zachowany obecnie zespรณล‚ synagogalny), cmentarzem, domem rabina, domem kantora i publicznฤ… mykwฤ… ...

History of the synagogue

Soon after ลฤ™czna was granted city rights, Jews began to settle there. They mostly lived in the area north of the market square. In this part of the city, at the end of Boลผnicza Street, stands the Great Synagogue. ...


Cemetery in in Przysucha

The Jewish cemetery in Przysucha was established in the mid-18th century. It was devastated during the occupation by the Germans: its fence was pulled down, the matzevot were destroyed and used as building material, among others, for a construction in the backyard of the fire station. After 1945, the necropolis continued to deteriorate.  ...

Synagogue in Przysucha

โ€žMagnificentโ€ - this is how visitors coming to Przysucha once described its synagogue. Even today, despite the fact that it requires renovation, the building is impressive. It is one of the few preserved late Baroque synagogues in Poland and the only one in the region. It was erected in the years 1775โ€“1790, on a rectangular plan with sides of 35 by 19 meters. External and internal walls were made of split limestone jointed with lime mortar; the building is oriented to the east, the entrance is in the southern wall, and it is covered with a hipped, stepped roof. The facades are divided with pilaster strips, the corners of the building are rounded. ...

Pre-funeral home 

Projekt wykonany w roku 1913 na zlecenie tutejszej gminy ลผydowskiej, byล‚o pierwszฤ… realizacjฤ… architekta Ericha Mendelsohna i zapowiedziฤ… wielkiego talentu i sล‚awy.Integralnฤ… czฤ™ล›ciฤ… olsztyล„skiego projektu Mendelsohna jest obok domu przedpogrzebowego znajdujฤ…cy siฤ™ naprzeciwko, mniejszy budynek, zaprojektowany jako dom ogrodnika, ktรณry wraz z otaczajฤ…cym je cmentarzem stanowiฤ… wyjฤ…tkowy pod wzglฤ™dem historyczno-artystycznym kompleks zabytkรณw. ... 

Yeshiva in Sejny

Sejny's "White Synagogue"

The yeshiva building is located opposite the "White Synagogue". This Talmudic school, famous throughout Lithuania, was founded in the second half of the 19th century by an outstanding theologian and philosopher, rabbi from Sejny, Mojลผesz Icchak Awigdor. Thanks to its folk-revolutionary character, the school was highly appreciated by the supporters of the Jewish Enlightenment. Thanks to her, Sejny briefly became the center of the Haskalah movement for Lithuania. Among other things, conferences of prominent Lithuanian rabbis were held here ...

Sejny's "White Synagogue", which owes its name to the color of the facade, is located on the main street of the town, the center of which is located on the axis between the Basilica and the synagogue. It was built in 1885 in place of a wooden "shingled roof with an exhibition at the front and a colonnade." It is a three-nave structure, on a rectangular plan. Architecturally, the interior of the synagogue is a combination of a Gothic six-square with a baroque central solution, which is emphasized by the arrangement of four richly profiled pillars supporting the ceiling ...

History of the
synagogue in Orla

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur et dapibus augue. Vivamus in porttitor leo, ut maximus nisl. Praesent justo purus, laoreet imperdiet accumsan ac, iaculis et diam. Donec nec lacus vel lorem vehicula iaculis. Cras faucibus ornare lectus, eu rutrum mi accumsan vehicula. Mauris nec dui suscipit, euismod purus in, luctus ligula. Proin tellus tortor, accumsan a lacus et, hendrerit aliquet eros. ..




Synagoga w Kraล›niku






Dom Oczyszczenia Bet Tahara - projektu Ericha Medelshona

Synagoga w Kraล›niku

Synagoga w Przysusze

Synagoga w Zamoล›ciu

Synagoga w ลฤ™cznej

Synagoga i Jesziwa w Sejnach


Aktualnoล›ci dotyczฤ…ce tematyki dziedzictwa ลผydowskiego w Polsce. Interesujฤ…ce artykuล‚y, fascynujฤ…ce fotorelacje prezentujฤ…ce piฤ™kno i symbolikฤ™ zabytkรณw pochodzenia ลผydowskiego.


Cykl trzech webinariรณw, organizowany pรณลบnฤ… jesieniฤ… 2021 inaugurujฤ…cy dyskusjฤ™ na temat historycznej i kulturowej wartoล›ci materialnego dziedzictwa ลผydowskiego w Polsce, a takลผe wyzwaล„ stojฤ…cych przed partnerami ze strony polskiej i ลผydowskiej zaangaลผowanymi w jego ochronฤ™.

Wirtualne spacery

The opportunity to get acquainted with selected monuments of Jewish heritage in Poland (synagogues, cemeteries and a funeral home) and visit them without leaving home.

Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition โ€œPublic Diplomacy 2021โ€

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